Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kroger "Value" Brand Mayonnaise

First, please don't confuse this product with Kroger brand "Classic Mayo". They are two completely different products.

The first thing to note: While the main ingredient for mayo should be egg whites, it's not even listed as an ingredient in Kroger's "value" mayonnaise. The egg part that is listed is egg yolks. Yeah, that makes a big difference. The taste and consistency is off. Pretty much all of it is way off.

My dad bought the "value" stuff hoping to save some additional money and the rest of us pretty much refuse to touch it, save for what I tried on a sandwich for the sake of this post. You're welcome. My dad is using up what's left (waste not, want not) and then is going back to the "classic".

Want to save money on your mayo? Go with Kroger's "Classic Mayo" and stay away from the "value" stuff.


  1. Glad to see I'm not the only one who does unpleasant things for the sake of a blog post. :)

  2. Reminded I tried a bit of that Value Mayo sometime ago and thought it just wasn't the same so I switched to Classic and knew where my money should've went. Not every Value branded product is worth the cheaper cost.

  3. actually mayonnaise is made with yolks, using whites would make an oily watery mess. I think the value is better than the classic. It is a bit sweet but has a nice spicy mustard punch.
